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Order Status, returns, & exchanges

How will I receive updates about my orders? Updates will be sent to the email you indicated on your order.

What types of updates will I receive? You will be updated via email when your order is submitted and when it is fulfilled and sent for shipping. A tracking number and estimated delivery date will also be provided.

Are there returns or exchanges? We do not offer returns and exchanges at this time. Please carefully review the products and size references provided before finalizing your purchase.

I received the wrong item or a damaged item. What should I do? We’re so sorry if the item you ordered arrived damaged or is not the correct one. To help us resolve this for you quickly, please email us at within 5 days of receiving your item. Please include photos of the damaged product and your order number. We’ll get back to you with a resolution as soon as possible!

Will I see my order status on this website or my order history? Since we only offer guest checkouts so that we do not have to store your personal information, your order status will be sent to your emails. You may refer to your emails about your order history from this store.

My order should be here by now, but I still don’t have it. What should I do?
Before getting in touch with us, please help us out by doing the following:
● Check your shipping confirmation email for any mistakes in the delivery address
● Ask your local post office if they have your package
● Stop by your neighbors in case the courier left the package with them
If the shipping address was correct, and the package wasn’t left at the post office or at your neighbor’s, get in touch with us at with your order number. If you find a mistake in your delivery address, we would have to wait for the item to be sent back to us before we can offer to re-ship it. We will coordinate with you for the new shipping charges.

shipping & delivery times

Do you ship internationally? Our CSA97 Online Store ships to both domestic (US and US territories) and international (other countries). Shipping fee varies per type of item, weight and shipping location. However there are items that are location specific only. For these items, shipping is only limited to the location specified (ie. Adidas collaboration is for US only and PH sourced merchandise are available to order in PH only).

Is shipping free? Shipping is not free. Shipping fees are calculated based on type of item, approximate total weight of the items in your cart and the supplier’s fulfillment location and your delivery location. Fees are reasonable. Shipping fees will be calculated before you make any payment.

How long does shipping take? It varies based on the fulfillment location and your delivery address. Before finalizing your purchase, you will be given an estimated shipping date. In our experience, most items take around 10 calendar days from order to delivery (US domestic orders). Email updates will be sent once your order is fulfilled and shipped, along with a tracking number.

Given the current pandemic, Our fulfillment times [for all products/t-shirts/phone cases/etc.] may be longer than usual and may continue to increase until things get back to normal. We’re seeing delays in our supply chain,
including distributors and shipping carriers as the entire industry is grappling with challenges.

Can I track shipment of my order? Once payment is made and order is fulfilled, shipping information will be emailed to you directly. Tracking number and link to the carrier will be provided so you can check the delivery status. Order status includes info on whether items were ordered, dispatched, in transit or delivered along with completion date. Packaging slip is also included in the order information.

Where will my order ship from? We work with an on-demand order fulfillment company with facilities worldwide thus our items are sourced from various countries.

Will I be charged customs fees for my order? An additional customs and tax fee may occur on international orders. This fee is not in our control and is assessed by your local customs office. Customs policies vary widely for every country so please check with your local customs office directly to see if they apply duties and taxes to your


Can I pay in my local currency? All orders are transacted in USD (US$). Your credit card company will charge the corresponding amount in your local currency according to the foreign exchange rate they are using. To get an idea of the latest exchange rates, check official foreign exchange websites (Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Statistics – Exchange Rate ( Take note that published exchange rates may not match your credit card company’s exchange rate.

Are there other modes of payment besides credit cards? We accept credit cards or ApplePay (if using Safari browser) at checkout. Products that are linked to CSA97 Google Forms can be paid via online deposit only made to PH (BPI or BDO – Philippine Peso) or US (Wells Fargo – US Dollar) CSA97 accounts.

Is payment secure? Yes. We use a secured payment gateway that is also used by various e-commerce businesses worldwide.

Where will my payment go? All payments for items purchased are linked to the CSA97 Bank Account. Payments will be used to cover item costs and 100% of the proceeds will be used to fund CSA97 Homecoming activities and advocacies.


If I want to collaborate with CSA97 for an item or I want an item added, what should I do? We welcome new ideas for CSA97 merchandise. If you have an idea or have an item in mind that we can collaborate with for fundraising, reach out to us at

Need help?

Contact us at Thanks!