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the story behind the store


As early as 2017, our batch started planning for our Grand Alumni Homecoming in August of 2022. Our initial plans consisted of the usual fundraising activities, such as securing corporate sponsorships, holding movie premieres and concerts, auctions, and the like. However, when the pandemic changed all our lives, it also significantly restricted the fundraising activities that we could do. Most of our funds will now have to come from personal donations and online selling of merchandise. This is a big challenge considering how the pandemic has taken a toll on people’s finances. It was important for us, then, to come up with merchandise that would resonate with our batch, things that we would be proud to own.

As prior celebrating batches have done, we also wanted our own logo that would define a batch as diverse as CSA ’97. Not an easy feat. Fortunately, in 2019, our batchmate, Alexa Porto-Balo and her advertising company, Hotsauce Communications, Inc. was able to design a logo that captured the character of our batch, and how we wanted to be identified. It is minimalistic, unique, timeless, and impactful. The play on the numbers 9 and 7 forms the silhouette of an eagle in flight, inspired by Saint Augustine who was represented as a soaring eagle because of his towering intelligence and brilliance.  The colors used, the Augustinian motif of red and gold, stand for courage and victory over evil. Thus, our CSA ‘97 logo stands for our continued pursuit of excellence, driven by a sense of purpose – to give back to our school that has given us so much.

Naturally, our first project was a batch shirt that we can proudly wear with our logo. It was a pleasant surprise how well-received the shirts were, by batchmates in the Philippines and abroad! This inspired us to come up with this online store where Augustinians anywhere in the world can have access to our merchandise and purchase them for a worthwhile purpose. Proceeds will go towards our advocacies: an assistance fund for CSA teachers, personnel, and alumni in need, and a multi-purpose fund for our batchmates. 

We hope you enjoy the store, find something that resonates with you and reminds you of CSA, that was once our home.


For questions about the products or your orders, please email us at

For any other questions and comments, please reach out to us in any one of these ways.